
HTML and YAML parser not working for nvim treesetting on windows.

Got this issue: Impossible to load parser for html: Failed to load
parser: uv_dlopen: error: 127 · Issue #3587 ·
nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter · GitHub

There's an issue with HTML and YAML parsers due to their dependence on C++ and the libstdc++-6.dll library. Specifically, the NeoVim Windows version includes this library for nvim-qt.exe. However, this can cause conflicts when compiling with the user installed GCC, which links to its own libstdc++-6.dll(which in most case will be a different verson).

Potential Problems:

  1. DLL Conflict: If you're not using nvim-qt, the html.so and yaml.so files might mistakenly point to the library bundled with NeoVim, leading to unexpected behavior.
  2. Path Reliance: Depending on your path variables, the parsers might prioritize NeoVim's library, even if you intend to use GCC's version.

Fake Solutions:

  1. Remove NeoVim's Library (if not using nvim-qt): If you don't use nvim-qt, simply delete the libstdc++-6.dll file included with NeoVim to avoid conflicts.
    No, you don't want this, as it breaks your nvim-qt totally.
  2. Adjust Path Variables: Ensure your path variables prioritize the libstdc++-6.dll that comes with GCC. This involves checking your environment variables and making necessary adjustments.
    No, I bet you can't make it work, or you will break your nvim-qt just as you delete its libstdc++-6.dll.

Real Solution:

  • Replace MinGW with Clang: Using Clang as your compiler avoids this issue because its C++ standard library (libc++) is separate from the one bundled with NeoVim (libstdc++). This eliminates potential conflicts and simplifies the setup.




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