
Mysterious sqoop1 export options

Ever want to export periodically generated hive data to RDBMS?

There may be several solutions available, depends on the data size and update interval. But if you decide to use sqoop1 to export the ******Hive table******, don’t follow those handcraft solution suggestions, try the sqoop1 internal one.

The handcraft solution: copy, export, delete

As title, this kind of solution mainly consist of 3 steps.

  1. Copy data out from warehouse to general HDFS path
  2. Run sqoop command against the copied HDFS path
  3. Delete the copied HDFS path

The sqoop1 internal solution: HCatalog arguments

Run sqoop-export –help and pay attention to the ******HCatalog arguments****** section

HCatalog arguments:
--hcatalog-database <arg>                        HCatalog database name
--hcatalog-home <hdir>                           Override $HCAT_HOME
--hcatalog-partition-keys <partition-key>        Sets the partition
                         keys to use when
                         importing to hive
--hcatalog-partition-values <partition-value>    Sets the partition
                         values to use when
                         importing to hive
--hcatalog-table <arg>                           HCatalog table name
--hive-home <dir>                                Override $HIVE_HOME
--hive-partition-key <partition-key>             Sets the partition key
                         to use when importing
                         to hive
--hive-partition-value <partition-value>         Sets the partition
                         value to use when
                         importing to hive
--map-column-hive <arg>                          Override mapping for
                         specific column to
                         hive types.

Note that –hcatalog-partition-keys and –hcatalog-partition-values and –hive-partition-key and –hive-partition-value.

Try to specify partitions and partition values as comma separated list for pural ones.

Even these arguments’ help string is wrongly stated they are ******import****** options, they did the partition filtering job very good when exporting.



XEmacs 21.5 beta 35 "kohlrabi" has been released.

If you are an old XEmacs user, you may feel happy to see this from https://www.xemacs.org/.    After ten years, XEmacs released a new version 21.5. So there's still many people cares about XEmacs. The XEmacs' source repo have been moved from altassian Bitbucket to https://heptapod.net/. As Bitbucket have been dropped Mercurial support many years ago.


Today, I've just discovered the Fido mode, a modified `icomplete` minor mode. `icomplete` used to be one of my favorite mode days back to my XEmacs days. Pros: It is way fast. It is much more smart in terms of find the complete candidate that you want mostly.  Cons: It does not integrate well enough with tramp yet.    `fido-mode` is a core package of Emacs 27+, and there's a vertical version available after Emacs 28+ named `fido-vertical-mode`. UPDATE: I am back with ido now