
Workaround a jython runtime bug by interop with Java java.time

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'java.sql.Timestamp' and 'timedelta'

I was working on a NIFI script recently. As the following code snip shows, I was trying to construct a series of timestamped string with Python’s datetime.

import os.path
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
import subprocess

now = datetime.now()

dirs = [ (now + timedelta(milliseconds=(-100 * x))).strftime('%Y%m%d%H/%M/%S/%f')[0:-5] for x in range(0,100)]

fullpaths = [ '/workspace/nifi_output/{}'.format(d) for d in dirs]

existspaths = [fp for fp in fullpaths if os.path.exists(fp)]

flowFile = session.get() 
if (flowFile == None):
    flowFile = session.create()

ep_length = len(existspaths)

if ep_length > 1:
    session.putAttribute(flowFile, 'batch_path', existspaths[1])
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
elif ep_length == 1:
    session.putAttribute(flowFile, 'batch_path', existspaths[0])
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE)

While the datetime package works perfect in Python2, It refuse to run in Nifi bundled jython runtime. I got a exception:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'java.sql.Timestamp' and 'timedelta'

It feels like the underlying jython implementation wrapped java.sql.Timestamp to emulate pyhton datetime package. And the type system was confused during the excution of translated bytecode or JIT code.


The workaround: Avoid use of python datatime package whenever your code is targeting a jython runtime.

import os.path
import subprocess
from java.time import LocalDateTime
from java.time.format import DateTimeFormatterBuilder
from java.time.temporal import ChronoUnit

# We use java LocalDateTime instead of datetime.datetime datetime.timedelta
# becasue of Jython bug 
# TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'java.sql.Timestamp' and 'timedelta' in <script> at line number 8
# ref: https://community.openhab.org/t/using-python-datetime/114917
# ref: https://issues.streamsets.com/browse/SDC-3429
now = LocalDateTime.now()
formatter = DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendPattern("yyyyMMddHH/mm/ss/S").toFormatter()

localdatetimes = (now.minus(x*100, ChronoUnit.MILLIS) for x in range(100, 0, -1))
timestamps = (ldt.format(formatter) for ldt in localdatetimes)

fullpaths =  ('/opt/ericsson/workspace/nifi_output/{}'.format(ts) for ts in timestamps)

existspaths = [fp for fp in fullpaths if os.path.exists(fp)]

flowFile = session.get() 
if (flowFile == None):
    flowFile = session.create()

ep_length = len(existspaths)

if ep_length > 1:
    session.putAttribute(flowFile, 'batch_path', existspaths[1])
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
elif ep_length == 1:
    session.putAttribute(flowFile, 'batch_path', existspaths[0])
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
    session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE)

Note that, the DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendPattern("yyyyMMddHH/mm/ss/S").toFormatter() may be simplified to DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMddHH/mm/ss/S")



Eglot and before/after-save-hook and use-package

In Emacs, when you try to automate some actions during every save action, you will surely get to the before-save-hook and the after-save-hook. Simply adding something like gofmt-before-save to before-save-hook will save you tons of time to do the go-fmt. And then, I meet eglot, and gopls will also save me tons of time doing googling and api documentation navigation. But eglot-ensure is not very friendly to the good old ways of how after-save-hooks were designed to work. It makes the before/after-save-hook a buffer local variable and it does not inherit the variable's global value. So, to make before/after-save-hook work again, experts start to adding hooks to major mode specific hooks like this: emacs.md - Go (opensource.google) """ ;; Optional: install eglot-format-buffer as a save hook. ;; The depth of -10 places this before eglot's willSave notification, ;; so that that notification reports the actual contents that will be saved. (defu...

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