
Where to find information of OpenAPI tools and steps to setup and run OpenAPI generator

All about the OpenAPI tools

The OpenAPI tools are derived from swagger tools. They feels almost identical to new comer. The tool enables automatic generation of API documents and server-client interface libraries.

Unlike the swagger tools, OpenAPI tools are more open there¡¯re all kinds of groups developed different kinds of tools base on the OpenAPI SPEC. While there¡¯re too many choices, it also brings difficulties to new user to getting start with the OpenAPI.

An pathway to getting started

If I'd go this way, it would save my many days to reach the current level of knowledge of OpenAPI and its tools.

  1. Goal of using the OpenAPI tools. My goal is to reduce manually API fronend/backend composing work by make use of OpenAPI generator. As a business developer, I would like to concentrate on my logic instead of fronend/backend interaction.
  2. Follow the installation guide, install a CLI version to get familiar with OpenAPI generator FIRST.
  3. Follow the bealdung java openapi generator server tutorial, set up a spring/java project to practice.
  4. Learn Data Transfer Pattern, to get to know how to work with generated code.
  5. Read the spring/jersey/axios server/client generator documents to get to know how to customize specific language generator.
  6. Read openapi-generator-maven-plugin introduction, to know to customize code generation in project.



Eglot and before/after-save-hook and use-package

In Emacs, when you try to automate some actions during every save action, you will surely get to the before-save-hook and the after-save-hook. Simply adding something like gofmt-before-save to before-save-hook will save you tons of time to do the go-fmt. And then, I meet eglot, and gopls will also save me tons of time doing googling and api documentation navigation. But eglot-ensure is not very friendly to the good old ways of how after-save-hooks were designed to work. It makes the before/after-save-hook a buffer local variable and it does not inherit the variable's global value. So, to make before/after-save-hook work again, experts start to adding hooks to major mode specific hooks like this: emacs.md - Go (opensource.google) """ ;; Optional: install eglot-format-buffer as a save hook. ;; The depth of -10 places this before eglot's willSave notification, ;; so that that notification reports the actual contents that will be saved. (defu...

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