Step by Step how-to follows Install Pylance by any means. I did it by install it from VS Code plugin manager. (You know, language server is the VS Code thing). Install nodejs by any means. I did it by doing a choco install nodejs . In emacs M-x package-list-packages search for eglot-mode mark it to be installed with key i , then hit key x to install. Configure Emacs to initialize package-system and elgot by adding the following elisp snippets to init.el . ( require ' package ) (package-initialize) ( require ' eglot ) ;; VSCode install extentions in ~/.vscode or %UserProfile%\.vscode directory. e.g. ;; C:\\Users\\ekaifan\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-python.vscode-pylance-2020.8.2\\server\\server.bundle.js (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '(python-mode . ( "node" "PATH_TO_YOUR_PYLANCE_SERVER_DOT_BUNDLE_DOT_JS" "--stdio" ))) (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure) Customize your eglot behavior by M-x customize-group...